Electric Insulators and More
, by Nicholas Hiner Quick-Tip: Electrobraid
Having Trouble installing Poly Rope or Elecrobraid? Check out this Quick-Tip for a quick and easy trick!
, by Nicholas Hiner Full Promotional Video (learn about the T-360)
Check out our latest video showing the LockJawz T-360.   LockJawz T-360 (T-Post Insulator) Have you tried the LockJawz T-360 yet.? No... What are you...
, by Nicholas Hiner Benefits of Electric Over Traditional Barbed Wire Fencing
1. Ease of Installation Electric fences are much easier to install as compared to traditional barbed wire fences. Â With electric there are no heavy awkward...
, by Nicholas Hiner LockJawz Insulators come from Humble Beginnings at Good Shepherd Venture Farms
For my part, Good Shepherd Venture Farms (GSVF for short) came into my life March of 2015. Â I knew someone had purchased the farm behind...